BeesApps Team

BeesApps focuses on your needs to provide you an All-In-One Tool to improve your Business workflow.

We want and need your feedback to build and improve our iPad app and our collaborative platform.
Our goal is to make you available the most effective way to manage your time.

David Chevenement

David Chevenement

Founder - Sales & Support

#Analytics  #Actionoriented  #Pragmatic

«My credo : You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over. -Richard Branson" ...

Experience :
Prior to founding BeesApps, I held various strategy development and management positions, the last of which was  Chief International Sales and Marketing Executive at Locatel.

During all these years, I have always dreamed of a management tool that would really help me save time.

#Analytics  #Actionoriented  #Pragmatic

Values :

– Accountability
– Anything is possible with time and work



Jean-Charles Ragons

Jean-Charles Ragons

Co-Founder - Lead Software Engineer

#DevOps #Magician #SmileIsEverything

« Robert Redford whispered to horses, my niche is machines. One keyboard, one terminal, and I'm the king of the world ...

Experience :

Expert in development, especially in iPhone & iPad, but above all a technoholic

2 patents including 1 international

#DevOps #Magician #SmileIsEverything

– Passion
– Team spirit
– Good mood, the ally of performance



Dina Chevenement

Dina Chevenement

Marketing and Communication Director

#Analytics  #Go-to-market Oriented  #Creativity

«Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world....

Experience :

Marketing expert in new technologies

17 years in telecoms

Dual skills in Marketing and Technology, allowing me to define strategic plans and marketing pitchs in an ever evolving High-Tech environment.

#Analytics  #Go-to-market Oriented  #Creativity


– Passionate
– Respect and reliability
– Listening and teamwork



Christopher Mesquita

Christopher Mesquita

Co-Foudner - Sales & Marketing

#Teamspirit #CustomerRelationship #Entrepreneurship

« my credo: Alone we go faster, together, we go further ...

Experience :

After a professional sports career, I hung up my boots to put my team spirit at the service of Digital Agencies as Project Director.

Entrepreneurship being my real credo, the BeesApps adventure was obvious!

#Teamspirit #CustomerRelationship #Entrepreneurship

Mes valeurs:

  • Respect
  • Teamspirit
  • Humor 😊



Arslan Butt

Arslan Butt

Senior Developper

#PHP,  #VueJS, #Database Design and development

"Table tennis player. Like reading about latest technologies and I love travelling and exploring new places" ...


Solid experience in web based softwares and applications design and development.

#PHP (server-side scripting language)
#VueJS (front end JavaScript framework)
#Database Design and Development


-The desire to build long-term relationships
-A healthy work-life balance
-Treat others with respect and to appreciate their time


How we spent our time


Improving Beesy with more features


Get you all the Support you need


Enjoying the Time saved using Beesy