Getting Started

Beesy integrates your notes, your tasks and your emails in a single Task and Project management system so that you can have a global view on your priorities.

Beesy is organized around 5 tabs in the App:

The Dashboard tab that will sort your actions by time period, to find and track all actions based on their due date

The Notes tab, to track and follow-up on your meeting action plans and be able to send instant meeting minutes

The Actions tab that will sort actions by type, so that based on the time of the day for instance, you can look for all calls to place or all emails to send.

The People tab that will sort all the actions you’ve been assigning by the person you assigned them to. Very handy to remind you of what you were expecting form one of your co-worker.

The project tab that will let you implement your own priorities in the tool, setting Goals as the top container and defining projects inside goals to achieve them. Projects are a great way to zoom in on a specific issue or priority you might have, regardless on the number of total number of actions you might have on your Beesy account.

Starting with Beesy is very simple

1. Add your first tasks either in the Actions tab or the People tab

In Beesy, actions are the cornerstone of your task management. Actions can be added from the action bar: tasks, comments, emails, documents

3. Set your priorities in the Project tab

Add a Goal, add a project inside, and you can then easily define your action plan for this project or priority. If you set actions for others in this project, they’ll be available in the project view but in the People view as well.

5. Plan your day and week using the Dahsboard

On a daily basis, as your action portfolio grows, you can plan your day and your week using the dahsboard tab, filtering your actions on the coming days to be able to focus on what is important now. But you still know that everything you already planned will come in its due course.

2. Add your first contact in the People tab

If you want to remember an action you assigned to someone, simply add him to your list of contacts, select him and add an action there.

4. Consolidate your notes into projects

In Beesy, Notes are a collection of actions, following one another. Remember that comments are also an action in Beesy, simply one that does not need tracking. You take your notes by simply adding comments, tasks, calls directly in your note as your meeting progress. At the end of the meeting, you end up with a structured note including a bunch of comments but trackable actions as well. Every trackable actions can be browsed in any other Beesy tab.

Beesy Relationship Model

Getting started with Beesy - relationship Model

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