Use Case

Easily visualize your co-worker’s activity

Every day, your co-workers need to follow clear and defined goals in order to guarantee your project’s success. This process can be accomplished through an efficient preparation and smooth running of your one-to-one meetings. It is essential to benefit from an overall vision regarding the activity of your team which will allow you to make the best decisions and anticipate risks.

This Beesy use case gives advice and tips to benefit from a complete vision of each of your co-workers’ activity

Beesy, the collaborative solution which gives you an in real-time complete overview over your co-worker’s activity

I manage my one-to-one meetings

Every week, I set up one-to-one meetings with my co-workers. Those are very important because they allow you to take stock with everyone and redefine clear goals to reach, which will improve productivity and efficiency within my team.


I prepare my one-to-one meeting

  • I take a look at the dashboard of the activity of my co-worker.

  • In a glance, I can detect the overall progress of my teammate. I get an overall vision of their activity and I fins out if everything goes according to the plan, if they’re struggling or need help on some points.

With this dashboard, I’ve taken the temperature of the activity of my co-worker and I can start my individual session.

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During the meeting

  • I take a look at notes from our previous individual meetings. I review what’s done, what needs to be done and I can see overdue actions.
  • I can add tasks, postpone some actions and redefine priorities on which my co-worker needs to work on.
  • I also check the load distribution from my co-worker by consulting its Timeline. I then visualize the right distribution of its action plans.

From one meeting to another, I can see the evolution of my co-worker’s activity and I can see all that’s been accomplished.

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After my meeting

  • The goals of my colleague are clears and defined. Their action plan is ready. All they have to do now is take a look at their actions in their Eisenhower matrix to complete their actions.

My co-worker is ready to start their day.

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How to automatically generate your one-to-one note?

  • From Beesy, in my “Notes” tab, I directly create my one-to-one note using the “Create note from a contact” feature. I can then find the complete history of my previous one-to-one meetings.
  • From Teams or my email, I can ask my Beesy chatbot to automatically generate my meeting note saying for example “Prepare Debora’s individual meeting”.

efficiently communicate every day with my co-workers


With Beesy, within my company, all is centralized and updated in real-time:

  • I can access data from my co-workers that are instantly updated. Meeting notes are automatically shared to the right people, even those who weren’t attending a particular meeting.
  • Projects, topics and tasks are always synchronized, allowing anyone to know at any moment what’s the status of any type of content
  • Communication is improved, everyone receives notifications about them instantly. I get updated in real-time regarding all my co-workers and I visualize their activity in 1 second. I can leave comments to actions and subtasks that can instantly be seen by my co-worker. Each person is notified as soon as a task’s status is updated.

Each one of the members of my team can be 100% independent from anywhere in the world.


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I delegate tasks within a few seconds

With Beesy, I can delegate tasks to my co-workers using several ways. I can:

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  • Directly from Beesy, I create tasks or subtasks assigned to my co-workers and sorted in the right projects or topics. I assign them a degree of priority and a deadline. Every member of my team will then find actions I created for them directly in their to-do list. These tasks are now part of their activity and I instantly get notifications as soon as their status changes or if updates have been made to these. I can also take actions from my dashboard or my to-do list and simply change the owner of these, allwing me to easily delegate in a few seconds.
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  • From Microsoft Teams, I can exchange from any type of conversation with my collaborators. I assign them an action and I mention @Beesy. The chatbot then takes care of automatically creating and assigning tasks in Beesy. I can also ask the chatbot to send my collaborators’ to-do lists or reports regarding their activity. I can request the list of completed or overdue actions as well as meeting minutes. The chatbot answers in natural language as an intelligent assistant from all your conversations.
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  • From my email, I use my Beesy plugin in Outlook to directly delegate my tasks to my collaborators. I create actions that will be assigned to them and will be added to their activity. If I don’t use Outlook, I can also forward an email to my intelligent task manager which will take care of assigning the task to my co-worker.

I can ask for updates in 1 click

After reviewing everyone’s activity, I can ask specific updates to certain people on my team regarding topics I would like to know more of. I can directly ask my collaborator in 1 clic using Beesy.

I can for example:

  • Get the list of their overdue actions using the Beesy chatbot
  • Extract meeting minutes in PDF format and send an email asking for an update on the progress of the tasks to my co-worker
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I use reporting features to visualize the progress of my collaborators

In 1 clic, I can generate a report showing the key data regarding my collaborator’s activity.


  • My co-worker and I can directly export, visualize and share their report or forward it as a PPT presentation or via e-mail.


Want to find out all of Beesy’s power to visualize the activity of your collaborator?

Team productivity boost

Improved communication = Better organization


Global Vision

Complete vision of your collaborator’s activity


Of risks and problems related to workload plans